The content provided on is sourced from various channels and is presented “as is” for informational purposes only. While we aim to deliver accurate and reliable information, OPSC is not responsible for any inaccuracies, omissions, or deficiencies in the content. We reserve the right to modify, update, or remove any information on this website at our sole discretion.
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Our website may include links to external websites for your convenience. While we strive to link only to reputable sites that uphold high standards and privacy practices, we are not responsible for the accuracy, content, or privacy policies of these external sites.
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The materials and content available on this website are for reference purposes only. Users are advised to consult official sources or directly contact relevant organizations for verified and accurate information.
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Information on this website may become outdated or inaccurate over time due to changes in laws, regulations, human errors, or system failures. While we make every effort to keep the content up-to-date, we do not guarantee its accuracy or reliability.
Links included on this website may also be outdated, inaccurate, or misdirected. We disclaim all liability arising from the use of such links or information provided on this site.
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Users are strongly advised not to make decisions or take any actions, or to refrain from taking actions, solely based on the information found on this website. Professional advice or consultation with relevant organizations should always be sought for critical decisions.
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Use of this website is entirely at your own risk. The information and services provided are offered on an “as is” and “as available” basis. We make no warranties, express or implied, including but not limited to:
- Accuracy, completeness, or timeliness of the information.
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