$18K cash assistance for single mothers in the US, Verify your eligibility and the due date

$18K cash assistance for single mothers in the US: The government is offering financial assistance to single mothers in the USA through multiple programs where a single mother can get up to $18000 cash assistance. It is very helpful for families in the USA who cannot manage the additional burden of take care of their children as well as the mother. If you are also a single mother in the USA and want to get financial assistance from the government then you can check this article where we will share with you how can you get $18K cash assistance, what is the eligibility criteria, how much you can get, what is the procedure to apply for the $18K cash assistance program etc.

$18k financial assistance for mothers 

There are many programs running in USA at Federal level as well as state level governments to provide financial assistance to needy families in the country. Family we are getting benefits from TANF (Temporary Assistance for Needy Families), SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program), WIC (Women, Infants, and Children) programs at federal level Where the government is offering Different financial assistance according to the condition of the applicant.

Apart from this few State Government sponsored programs such as Philly Joy Bank, Tacoma GI Program and In Her Hand Programs are also offering other additional benefits to the specific beneficiaries living in the specific geographical area. However there is no specific program to get $18K cash assistance program but you can get search payment by getting benefits of multiple programs.

Overview of $18000 financial assistance program for mothers

You can check overview of the programs running in USA for mothers and families with low income in the following table it will help you to understand the $18K cash assistance for single mothers in the US payment structure and the duration of the assistance

ProgramFinancial Assistance Amount (USD)Duration
In Her Hands$850/month24 months
Tacoma GI Program$500/month12 months
Philly Joy Bank$1,000/month18 months
SANP$768 per monthVaries by state
TANF$1,098Varies by state
WIC$26 per monthVaries by state

In Her Hands Program for mothers 

Female living in Georgia are able to get benefits of In Her Hands program where Georgia Resilience and Opportunity Fund is offering a financial assistance to black women in the state taking care of their children. The authority is providing $850 monthly payments To all the eligible female in the country for Maximum 2 years.

The $18K cash assistance program was firstly launched in 2022 and included 650 females who are mothers of children and belongs to a black family. $18K cash assistance Program is specially designed for low income individuals in the country where Eligible beneficiaries can submit the application form on the official website of Georgia resilience and opportunity funds and can avail the benefit of the $18,000 cash assistance programs.

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Philly Joy Bank Program for females 

Mothers living in Cobbs Creek, Strawberry Mansion, or Nicetown-Tioga are able to get the benefits of the Philly Joy Bank program where the government will offer $1000 per month to all the pregnant females. If you are living in this specific locations and having a pregnancy of 12 weeks to 24 week then you can apply for the $18K Cash Assistance Programs for Single Mothers program.

Philadelphia Community Action Network  is Managing the program and implementing all the important features in the scheme. The program offers total 250 forms in a week where individuals can submit the $18K Cash Assistance application through online mode and can get their name in the lottery system. 

Tacoma’s Guaranteed Income Program

Tacoma’s Guaranteed Income Program is design for Single parents who are taking care of children under the age of 18. The program is offering a financial assistance of 500 dollar to all the eligible beneficiaries in Eastside, Hilltop, South Tacoma, and South End.

However individuals who are earning a very low income and laying under the 100% to 200% poverty line will get the benefit of the program. If you are also eligible to get the payment then can apply through online mode on United Way of Pierce County Website. 

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WIC financial assistance for females 

The women, Infant and children – WIC program is designed for pregnant and postpartum women, breastfeeding mothers, and children under five. Individuals who are earning a low income are able to get a monthly financial assistance of $25 per month.

The program offers for voucher so female can purchase relevant full items for their children and themselves too. Apart from other programs, this is a Federal Government sponsored program so females living in USA are able to apply in WIC monthly assistance through online mode. 



  • Hari Krishnan

    Hari Krishnan is Chief Editor in OPSCRecruitment.in. He has done MBA in Finance, and worked in one of the top Private Bank. Now he is focusing on writing Finance related information. His aim is to provide correct and useful information to all of you.

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